Home Article Common Methods of Delivery in Pregnancy

Common Methods of Delivery in Pregnancy

After nine months, mothers will finally reach the end of their pregnancy. But like always, child birth is no easy feat. Giving birth is both a milestone and a hurdle that moms have to go through. There are different methods that moms can deliver their baby in pregnancy.

There are different methods out there that can help moms deliver their baby safely after nine months of pregnancy. This will depend on the mother and the baby’s health. Any underlying conditions during pregnancy or child birth will affect the method the delivery. If the mother has a healthy pregnancy, she has the option to choose. In other cases, the doctor will present other alternatives to help the mother in delivering the baby. These are the most common types of delivery in pregnancy.

Normal spontaneous delivery

This is the standard for all healthy pregnancies, unless the mom opts for a different method. The mom is given an epidural for pain. The baby is delivered through the birth canal once the cervix is fully dilated.

Natural birth

Basically this is giving birth without medical intervention. Mothers give birth in a birthing clinic or in the comfort of their own home assisted by a midwife. Pain is managed by different methods such as hydrotherapy, water birth and relaxation therapy.

Caesarean Section

This can be either optional or necessary. Elective caesarean section is popular among women who want to have a quick painless delivery. It is necessary if the baby is under distress, in breech position or too large to pass through the mother’s pelvis. This involves a surgical operation on the mother’s abdomen. After going through the layers of skin, muscle and fat, the uterus is opened with an incision and the baby is delivered.

Forceps or vacuum delivery

These two methods are done to aid the mom in delivering the baby. Forceps are used to lift the baby out if there is a delay in the second stage of delivery.  The alternative is vacuum extraction which is much preferred because it causes fewer traumas.

Child birth is last stage in pregnancy. All of these methods have their own pros and cons. But as long as the mom takes care of herself and the baby during her pregnancy there won’t be any problem. No matter what the mom chooses or the doctor recommends as the best method, the most important thing is the delivery of a healthy baby.