Home Article Common Pregnancy Discomforts

Common Pregnancy Discomforts

Pregnancy brings about a lot of changes in a woman’s body, which results to various discomforts brought about by the body’ adjustment to such changes. So there’s no need to panic when you experience certain discomforts, as this is a normal process that comes with pregnancy.
Nausea and Vomiting
This is the most common pregnancy discomfort that most women experience and also serves as one of the pregnancy symptoms that lead women to take pregnancy test. Also known as morning sickness, nausea and vomiting usually occur on the first trimester but some women may experience nausea and vomiting all throughout their pregnancy. Traveling, stress, and certain food high in fat and protein may heighten morning sickness. To lessen this discomfort, eating small meals several times a day is advisable. High in complex carbohydrates food like pasta, banana, green leafy vegetables, and wheat bread may also help lessen the intensity of nausea.

Heartburn and Indigestion
This pregnancy discomfort is caused by stomach and intestine pressure, which in turn pushes stomach contents back up in the esophagus. This can be prevented or reduced by eating small meals and avoid lying down right after eating.

As a woman’s weight increase, balance also changes, therefore resulting to restrained back. Loosening of pelvic bones in preparation for child birth also contribute to this back train. Proper body posture and doing some lifting techniques throughout pregnancy can help reduce back strain
Hormonal changes may be the cause of headaches especially during the first trimester of pregnancy. Adequate rest, proper diet and increase in fluid intake may help ease headache discomfort. Consult your doctor before taking any medication.
Increased pressure due to pregnancy on the intestines and rectum can interfere with digestion, ensuing to tight bowel movements. Another reason for constipation during your pregnancy is hormone changes that may slow down the processing of food of the body. Some ways to prevent constipation are regular exercise, increasing fluid intake, and high fiber diet. Check with your doctor if you ever decide to take medication.
This happens as the body works overtime to provide room and nourishment for the developing fetus. During the first trimester, your blood volume together with other fluids increase as your body adjusts to pregnancy. Sometimes, anemia is the underlying cause of fatigue. A simple blood test on the first prenatal check-up will check for anemia.
Pregnancy is a miracle happening inside a woman’s body so it is important to prepare for these discomforts right at the very first trimester. Taking extra care of your body and living a healthier lifestyle will help you go through pregnancy with ease.