Home Article Creating Philippine Flag with your Preschool Kids

Creating Philippine Flag with your Preschool Kids


Make Independence Day a special day for you and your preschool kid. Why not teach your preschool child to create Philippine Flag? It’s not just for preschools. Create one at home, too.

  • Prepare colored papers (blue, red, yellow, and white), paperboard (any color but same size as the colored paper), scissors, glue, and pencil.
  • Fold and cut the blue and red colored papers into half.
  • Draw a triangle in the white paper and cut.
  • Draw and cut medium-size sun with eight rays and three small stars in the yellow paper.
  • On one side of the paper board, glue in the blue paper on top, then the red paper below.
  • Glue in the white triangle on the left side on top of the blue and red papers, with the tapering portion pointing towards the middle.
  • Glue in the sun in the middle while the stars on every corner of the triangle.
  • Do this on the other side of the board if you like.

Making Philippine Flags is great and fun for preschool children. But make sure to explain to your preschool child its meaning.