Home Article Does `pregnancy weight gain’ affect your baby’s gender?

Does `pregnancy weight gain’ affect your baby’s gender?


People are now looking into methods that will give them the baby of their choice before pregnancy.  Pre-conception gender selection has become a popular topic in some couples. They engage in activities that will hopefully influence the gender of their baby.

Before pregnancy, it is believed that the timing of sexual intercourse will help determine the baby’s gender. There are also baby gender calculators floating around in the internet that will help determine their baby’s gender while in their pregnancy. Unfortunately this has not been verified. There has been a lot of controversy over what factors determine a baby’s gender, so finding an accurate method is not a good idea, since no one really knows how it is determined in the first place. The latest topic is the effect the prenatal diet in pregnancy. However, people should remember that the baby’s gender is determined at the moment of conception. So no matter what you do during pregnancy it’s not going to change.

There have been previous studies that show expectant mothers who have high potassium and sodium diet, such as meat, vegetables, fish and banana, may favor a baby boy. A diet in magnesium and calcium on the other hand, including milk, cereals, cheese, beans and nuts, may favor a baby girl. Unfortunately the influence of diet is very limited. Like what was mentioned before, if your baby turns out to be a girl at the start of the pregnancy, there’s nothing that you can do to change that. The best that moms can do is to have a healthy pregnancy to give birth to a healthy baby.  

There is no accurate and verified way to influence the outcome of your baby in pregnancy.  Parents should appreciate the fact they will be able to bring home a healthy newborn after pregnancy, rather than stressing over the gender of their baby. Some couples cannot even conceive, while others go through a high risk pregnancy. Parents should accept their child no matter what the gender is going to be.

Some things are left better as a surprise. After pregnancy, it won’t really matter what your baby’s gender is because you will be too excited, relieved and exhausted at the same time. At the end of the day a healthy baby is what all that matters. Parents should appreciate this fact, considering the process they have go through all this time.