Home Article Emotional Stress of Bed Rest on Pregnancy

Emotional Stress of Bed Rest on Pregnancy

Pregnancy can take a toll on a woman’s body, which can sometimes lead to physical strains that forces a woman to take bed rest. But instead of helping, bed rest can actual cause emotional stress since a woman might feel useless or bored during this difficult time in her pregnancy.
Bed rest is sometimes ordered by your doctor to prevent miscarriage or pre-term labor and manage certain complications during pregnancy. It is a normal medical practice that will benefit you and your unborn child. Nevertheless, while it is necessary, it can also be physically and emotionally stressful. In order to avoid or properly deal with bed rest on pregnancy, you must:
Understand the need for bed rest
Bed rest does not always necessary mean that you need to stay in bed all throughout your pregnancy. The need and length of bed rest differ for each woman and could be reasonable or modified bed rest or can only mean decrease on some of your daily activities. While for some, it can also mean total bed rest wherein shower is not even allowed. In some cases, pregnant women need to remain on bed rest in the hospital to monitor their health needs and some need to rest for a few weeks or for the remainder of their pregnancy.
Dealing with Pregnancy Bed Rest
Family and friends is the number one support system during this difficult time and will help you think positive about taking rest and how worthwhile and beneficial it is for your pregnancy. Reading books regarding pregnancy bed rest will also greatly help you emotionally during this time as these types of books come with detailed advantages of bed rest.
Watching movies, reading your favorite books, and pursuing a hobby that you weren’t able to do before will also help you get pass by the boredom of lying all day. But keep in mind that it is important to actually take a “rest”- take naps when you feel tired, you’ll need all the sleep you can get before you give birth.
It is also very important to do some leg exercise while you’re on bed rest as blood clots and bedsores can happen from being still too long. Try turning your ankles in circular motions or stretching your legs even when you’re lying down.
Pregnancy brings a lot of emotional and physical changes on your body so it is important to fully understand what it all means. Following your doctors instructions on the things that you need to do and don’t is the best way to deal with pregnancy. It’s hard but it will all be worth it once you see your baby.