Home Article Enjoying your 12 Weeks Pregnant Journey

Enjoying your 12 Weeks Pregnant Journey


Going 12 weeks pregnant now? There are just so many ways to celebrate your 12 weeks pregnant bump! And there’s no time to begin like now!

Nine months is too long to put your life on hold, don’t you think?

Many of get a little too cautious about what we should or shouldn’t do during pregnancy even though it is a time of joyful celebration, . Of course, it’s a rare woman who forgets a pregnancy but it’s also too common to recollect one for the wrong reasons, like snoring in the train or throwing up in your boss’s cubicle. Naah…who needs embarrassing memories like these? Create your own. Yes, enjoy yourself to distraction! Take charge of your pregnancy and make memories you will cherish forever. Here’s how!


Your 12 weeks pregnant… Announce it to the world!

Ready to tell everyone that on your 12 weeks pregnant now? Don’t just call. Mail them self-designed cards “from your baby” with a message like “Are you my Uncle?” or “Granny, here I come”. And don’t forget the baby shower!



Journal the experience.

Keep a journal of your 12 weeks pregnant symptoms and food cravings, the first kick, your doctor’s answers to some of your pressing concerns and so on. Or create a blog instead on what you experience on your 12 weeks pregnant life. You can easily transform a pregnancy blog into a family blog later. Take photos of your growing bump each month (stand in profile so that the growing curve is clearly seen) and attach them in emails to family and friends around the world.



Track your 12 weeks pregnant journey

Track your 12 weeks pregnant bump’s growth after each prenatal visit in a simple chart. Save sonogram pictures. You could put them into a scrapbook. Continue adding pictures and writing funny captions in the scrapbook after your 12 weeks pregnant journey. If you can’t be funny, just be honest. Then give him or her scrapbook as a birthday gift. My now six-year-old son had a blast when I did this and continues to drag the book out now and then to giggle at his photos and the captions.



Get pampered!

Come on, you deserve it! Take full advantage of your growing 12 weeks pregnant bump and flaunt it! Pamper yourself with hip, belly-baring maternity wear. Indulge in colours you normally won’t be seen in. Cut your hair. Get a manicure. Be kind to your back and get pretty cushions for your office chair or living room sofa. Put your feet up. Live like a queen…even if it is only for nine months.



Talk to your child.

This is probably the only time in your life you could speak to a body part in public and not be considered dotty. These “conversations” with your child serve not to only help you voice out your thoughts and fears but will also create a nurturing bond between the two of you even you’re just on 12 weeks pregnant experience. Believe me, getting to know your child in this way helps lessen post-natal anxieties and doubts about your maternal talents. Speaking to my belly for nine months helped me feel as if I could understand my high-needs son better when he was a cranky newborn.



Learn, learn, learn.

There is such a huge variety of resources, websites and workshops available for expectant mums but also for expectant dads today. Seek your local community centre or bookstore or spend a few minutes a day reading the resources on MumCentre.com for ideas, tips and helpful thoughts from other mums. YoSpend the weekend visiting parks and playgrounds and observe families with young kids to see how parents cope with and handle these outings. Research the ins and outs of buying baby gear. Find out what to look for in strollers and high chairs, baby food and clothing, diapers and toiletries and so on.



Stay active.

As long as you take precautions and consult your doctor thoroughly, there is no reason to give up every single activity on your 12 weeks pregnant life. For the nine months, ask your boss if you may cut back a little on the long hours you spend at work. Use any extra time you have to pursue gentle activities like walking, stretching or prenatal yoga. This will help you to bounce back after the rigours of labour. Your body will thank you and you will likely return to your pre-pregnancy weight sooner too.



Stay healthy.

You can’t have a fun experience as early as your 12 weeks pregnant journey if you don’t take good care of yourself. So follow your doctor’s advice carefully. Stick to a wholesome, balanced diet with plenty of healthful fluids.