working mom’s need your advice… how do you do it? when you start going back to work and leave your precious little one behind for the yaya to take care won’t she/he be looking for the yaya in the long run? pano work hours mo? what time is left for your little one?
Dear Emily, I wanted to reply to your Facebook wall post but realized I’m going to have to write a looooong reply. So here it is.
It’s not just the yaya. There are days when my son is really fussy and nothing I do can soothe him. Then Vince enters the room and simply smiles at him, and Vito starts laughing. Obviously, I was the problem there! I learned very quickly not to take it personally. Vito has moods. Like every normal person! Some days he wants to be rocked, some days he likes yaya, some days he likes Papa, some days he wants me and me alone.
I’ve always believed that it takes a village to raise a child so if there are more people taking care of Vito, the better it is for everyone. I know someone who refuses to let anyone, even her husband, care for her kid. She’s afraid the baby will love other people. So she’s an angry woman–she’s angry at pretty moms (“They obviously spend more time in front of the mirror than with their child!”), dads who go out with their friends (“Look at how these men enjoy themselves while his wife is stuck at home!”), angry at her friends who don’t have kids (“You are selfish for not wanting to give your life to another human being!”), angry angry angry! How does this make her a better mother?
Now, as for your question about how much time I spend with Vito… Well, I’m very very lucky. I’m a working mother, yes, but I live just across the office. Plus, my work hours are very flexible. I can even work from the house! And sometimes, if I really have to go to the office but I can’t resist Vito, I bring him along to the office and he just sits there charming everyone while I work!
So, Emily, I’m not one to give advice. Each mom’s situation is different. But since you asked how do I do it, all I can say is I can do it because I let other people help me, and I’ve designed my life in such a way that I can spend a lot of time with my family. Not a lot of moms are as trusting, not a lot of moms have people willing to help them out, and not a lot of moms have the work arrangements that I have. So there. I don’t know if that helped at all but, Ems, don’t worry. Your little Chesca is in very good hands.