Home Article How Parents Can Stop Kid’s Bad Habits

How Parents Can Stop Kid’s Bad Habits


One of the most difficult roles of parents is putting a stop to a child’s bad habit no matter how the child finds it amusing. As parents, we are expected to stick with what’s best for our children rather than on their every whim. How do you stop a child from doing nasty habits time and again? Hear out these tips.

It begins on you
Some parents are clueless as to when their child began forming a particular bad habit. And before they knew it, the child has already fortified a habit. Thus, the first time you see your child does a bad habit, put it off right away. That is why breaking a child’s bad habit begins on parents. Parents should be able to discern and accept when a particular habit is bad. Sadly, there are parents who even find a bad habit amusing. Laughing at your child’s uncouth or rude behavior could beef up a bad habit rather than stop it. So, never make his habit a source for your entertainment.

Show who’s in-charge
Who is giving orders most of the time? And whose demands are usually met? Yours or your kid’s? It’s not surprising that every single parent tend to prioritize kids. But prioritizing is different from giving in. When you make decisions, you stick to it. Be firm and consistent as there will be times when your kid would put your firmness to test. This may be tough, especially for a single parent who tends to spoil a child. Carry on with what’s right and make your child realize that you meant it when you say “Don’t”.

Explain why
Parents need to lay out the reasons why a certain habit is bad. Increase your child’s awareness by stating the undesirable effects of the habit. Then, suggest for alternatives that could quell his habits and set forth positive outcome. For example, if your child bites off other kids from exasperation then tell him biting is not good because it can injure others. A better way to express anger is by words in order to be heard and maybe arrive at a compromise.

Clear out sources
Sometimes, the child absorbs a bad habit from his environment. Maybe he is only emulating other people’s acts, which he thinks are acceptable and “cool”. When possible, urge people to be cautious of their words and behavior when your child is around.

Parents wanting to break a child’s bad habit need a conscious effort from everyone. That includes teachers, parents, and relatives. When the child feels the loving concern from all people that matters to him, the bad habit can be stopped with sure success.