Home Article How To Choose The Perfect Pair of Toddler Shoes

How To Choose The Perfect Pair of Toddler Shoes


We’ve started to give the toddlers more freedom on mobility.  We have long given up keeping them safely penned in our room as their ubiquitous curiosity and insatiable quest to discover new things is really impossible to quell.  I really feel that they should not be called toddlers – runners or sprinters are probably the best term for this stage of development.

Since they are now more mobile now, we have given more importance to choosing shoes that are of good quality, that do not hinder the development of their feet, and that give them comfort and support.

Here are some pointers you may want to consider when buying shoes for your toddlers:

  • None of those high-heeled shoes please! High-heeled shoes for little kids are detrimental to their growth. I reckon that the Department of Health should consider these as health hazards and ban them from being manufactured and sold. I know you want your little princesses to be fashionable but please don’t sacrifice their comfort. After all, children are supposed to be running around with their friends and not walking like undersized fashion models.
  • Be sure to get the exact size. One size bigger would still be fine, but buying shoes that are two or more sizes bigger is really not advisable. Again, I stress that at this age, your toddler’s feet are still developing and shoes that are too big (or too small) could have dire effect on his physical development including his walking stance. Allowance for growth in front of the shoe should be no more than the size of your thumb’s width.
  • Choose comfort over aesthetics. The shoes may look utterly cute and may be in high fashion, but if your toddler can’t take several steps without tripping over or experiencing pain then those shoes are definitely not worth buying.
  • Check the sole and choose ones with great traction. Not all shoes have skid-resistant soles. Skid-resistant soles provide greater traction and lessen the chances of your little one slipping while walking or running.
  • Choose lightweight shoes.  Shoes that are heavy affect growth and posture so make sure that the shoes you buy are appropriate for your child’s size.
  • Bring your child with you when shopping for shoes. Although there’s an international standard for shoe sizes, shoe size still varies from one manufacturer to another. Your child may be a size 23 in one brand but a 24 on another. Also, ask your child to walk for a few minutes wearing his new shoes to ensure that he is comfortable in them.

When buying new shoes for your toddler, keep in mind that his feet are still growing. Posture and comfort are greatly affected by ill-fitting shoes so always buy shoes that are a perfect fit.  This will ensure your toddler’s safety as he walks and runs while exploring the vast world around him.

Blog Source: http://www.totteringmama.com/