Home Article Keeping it Clean: Things you Should Know about Baby Hygiene

Keeping it Clean: Things you Should Know about Baby Hygiene

Babies are sensitive and susceptible on getting germs and bacteria from its surroundings so it is important to maintain clean surroundings and use the right baby products to keep your baby clean as well.
Good hygiene is one of the best ways to keep your baby happy and healthy. So make sure to give him:
Hair and Body Care
Giving your baby a bath every single day is not really necessary since he doesn’t really accumulate many germs in his body. As a matter of fact, washing him everyday can cause skin dryness so 2-3 times a week is enough. Keep in mind though to only give your baby sponge bath until his navel area is fully healed.
To sponge bath, place him on a well-padded surface (try soft towels) in a warm room and prepare a warm basin of water, mild baby soap, and damp washcloth. Keep your baby wrapped in a towel and expose only the areas that you’re going to wash. Wash your baby’s face with water only, and then you can use mild soapy water for the rest of the body. Concentrate on the genital region, around the neck, behind the ears, under arms, and the diaper area.
Nail Care
Keep your baby’s fingernails trimmed to prevent him from scratching his face. Babies’ nails grow fast, so you might need to do this every so often. Toenails however grow slow so no need to trim it as often. Baby’s nail is soft and easy to cut. The best time to trip his nails is while he is sleeping and make sure to use nail clippers made for babies.
Nose Care
Nose clean itself so no need for special care. But if your baby has colds though and has difficulty breathing, you can use a nasal aspirator, which is a special suction bulb use to remove excess mucus. First, squeeze the bulb at the end of the syringe before you gently insert the pointed tip into his nose, and slowly release the bulb.
Ear Care
Like nose, ear cleans itself, so you only need to wash the outer ear and the entrance to the ear canal but not inside though as this may cause infection. Avoid using cotton swabs as this may damage the eardrum. Instead, ask your baby’s pediatrician for help if wax starts to build up.
As a parent, it is important for you to gain knowledge on how to properly care for your baby. This not only serves the baby well, but also saves you doctor visits due to some illness cause by germs and bacteria.