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Medicines for your toddler, and how to store them properly


As any parent or guardian is sure to discover, taking care of a toddler involves a fair share of trips to the doctor and a considerable amount of time spent in sickbed. Regular medical checkups are a given, of course. But apart from that, very young children are easily prone to all sorts of sickness, and can also get themselves injured every so often. It is part being a toddler, a normal initiation into growing up. That is why it is a sensible idea to be as prepared as possible for urgent or unexpected circumstances involving your toddler. You can look after your little one as best as you can, but more than that, it also helps if you have a stock of things you may need in case of a mild emergency. A medical kit should be part of your toddler care. To help you assemble a kit ideal for toddler care, below are a few items you should definitely have, and how to store these medicines properly:

A brief checklist
Having a portable and well-stocked medicine bag will go a long way in helping you manage common health-related issues about your toddler. This can range from mild bruises and slight fever to rashes and insect bites. Here are a number of things you should not run out of:

–    Digital thermometer
–    Pain reliever (get a prescription from your doctor)
–    Hydrocortisone cream or topical calamine lotion, for your toddler’s insect bites
–    Rubbing alcohol
–    Antibacterial ointment for cuts and bruises (consult a doctor for this)
–    Tweezers, for splinter incidents
–    Sunscreen lotion, but make sure it’s child-friendly
–    Insect-repellant – choose something that is applicable for young kids
–    Nasal aspirator, to deal with a stuffy nose
–    Bandage strips in different sizes (you can opt for colorful ones)
–    Sterilized cotton balls

Proper storage
This already goes without saying, but it is still worth mentioning: keep all medicines away from your toddler’s reach. A good bet is to have a storage box – with proper lock – to keep your family’s medicines. You can also do away with storing your toddler’s medicines – or anyone else’s, for that matter – in a regular bathroom cabinet. This is because these cabinets easily get warm or humid, and that causes the breakdown medicines. Instead, you may opt to keep them in the kitchen – but be sure that they are away from the stove, dishwasher or any appliance that generates heat.

Your toddler may be quite unpredictable, and you never know what to expect more often than not. But if you prepare for emergencies well, like having a handy first-aid kit, you should be able to deal with a given situation considerably well.