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Mommy Wars and Competition – The Other Mom


Last February, I posted how new moms like me tend to be a little competitive with their own mothers. I’m not saying that all new moms feel the way I did, but it sure isn’t a one in a million scenario.

Click here to read Mommy Wars and Competition – Your Mom.

New moms often feel competitive with other new moms. Why? because we tend to compare our children’s developments with one another.

I’m sure you’ve heard one of these lines:

“Baby M learned to crawl at 4 months. Has your baby started crawling yet?”

“Your baby seems a little quiet. Baby A had started saying Mama.”

Let’s face the fact that there are people we are not likely to get along with single, married or married with children. There are some personalities we can’t handle and we tend to not exert any effort especially when we aren’t blood related. The reason why mommy wars are so frustrating is because moms often feel like their children are also being scrutinized in the process and they tend to feel protective.

Understanding that the nature of someone’s personality and knowing which battles should be withdrawn will be your best weapon in this type of war.

I have to use myself as an example to draw a better picture.

I am a know-it-all. I believe I had it all figured out after 3 years of being a mother. I tend to annoy other moms because I always have a say at any topic but I know my intentions are good. I was hoping that during my first year as a mom, I also had more help than what I got from new mommies of my generation. To make sure I don’t annoy more moms, I always have disclaimer that I am a know-it-all. I don’t say things as if it is a general rule but only as my own perspective.

These moms who brag about their children only need affirmation. I should know because I brag about my son all the time.

Whenever I hear a word or a phrase that aren’t supposed to reach my motherly ears, I often find myself saying “Oh really?”. Then I change the topic. Deflecting is my superpower.

Blog Source: Green Minded Mom Blogs