Home Article Morning Sickness: Dealing with Pregnancy’s Roller Coaster of Emotions

Morning Sickness: Dealing with Pregnancy’s Roller Coaster of Emotions

Pregnancy is a life-changing event for a woman-not just physically but as well as emotionally, which sometimes lead to a roller coaster of emotions that if not addressed properly, may lead to more serious emotional stress.
During pregnancy, hormone level in a woman’s body changes, therefore creating various physical and physiological changes that is also responsible for the ups and downs and everything in between.
While some women appear to bloom on their pregnancy-full of happiness, excitement of child birth and reenergize, some feel a little bit blue and scared of giving birth and what lies ahead of them as a parent.
These emotions most of the time can be very intense and being aware of these can help women better understand what’s going on and how to deal with these whenever needed. Pregnancy brings along unstable feelings of depression and mood swings for no particular reason at all. But there’s nothing wrong with these emotional responses. Pregnancy is a very intense not to mention life-changing experience and coupled with huge hormonal mayhem, can really take a toll on a woman’s state of mind.
The important thing is to not let these emotions overtake your whole being and lead you to emotional breakdown, which can be dangerous and might jeopardize your pregnancy. Support of your partner is very much needed in order for you to overcome emotional highs and lows and for you to appreciate and enjoy your pregnancy better.
Some of the symptoms of emotional imbalance during pregnancy include persistent longings, sadness, aversion, fear of miscarriage, loss of interest on normal activities and inability to concentrate and focus attention, etc.  Emotional imbalance should be treated before it causes serious risk on the baby.
These feelings can even stay or aggravate after your pregnancy, which is known as postpartum depression that can affect women right after child birth. Even though your baby is very much wanted, mixed feelings about pregnancy is not surprising considering the amount of expectations people have for parents nowadays.
Physical changes- you feel less attractive on the eyes of your partner or your too worried about putting on too much weight or looking fat as your body expands and the physical symptoms of pregnancy such as fatigue, frequent urination, and heart burn can also be a burden as you feel you’ve lost control over your own body and your life during this time.
Amidst all these emotional woes, the most important thing is to surround yourself with loved ones, most especially your partner and have that support system to help you keep things together and just enjoy this wonderful time in your life.