Home Article My Mail box

My Mail box

By Katerina Tiapula

Reading and writing letters can be great fun especially at home. Why not make the simple things we do enjoyable. Send a note about the lunch times and even a reminder about up and coming events. 

Mom could leave a message that said “don’t forget to do your homework.” Dad could drop a note in about making it to dinner at 8pm sharp. Friends could deliver letters. It is a great way to work on reading and writing.

Of course, the box itself could be a fun afternoon activity as well. Here’s one that Kate made. She is 8 and loves cutting, taping and painting. The cardboard can be harder to cut so if it is too thick an adult should help with it.

What you need:
•    Cut 2 identical rectangles 17cm x 14cm (top and bottom)
•    Cut 4 identical rectangles 17cm x 4cm (front and back)
•    Cut 4 identical rectangles 14cm x 4cm (two sides)
Masking tape

What to do:
1.    Place the bottom piece on the table and tape a 17 x 4 piece to the 17cm side.
2.    Repeat on the other 17cm side.
3.    Tape a 14 cm piece on the 14cm side.
4.    Repeat on the other side.

5.    On the piece for the top cut a slot for the mail in the centre.
6.    Now tape all the pieces on the sides like you did for the bottom.

7.    At this time, your box is lying flat and doesn’t yet fit together properly.
8.    Fold up the side pieces and tape them together in the corner.
9.    Repeat for all the corners.

10.    Place one box on top of the other with the mail slot on top.
11.    Tape only the back together so that it can be opened.

The dimensions can vary according to the materials available. So don’t worry about it if yours is a different size. Make something fun and definitely decorate it to your taste.