Home Article Name Magnets

Name Magnets

Kids love to see their own name, and with this craft they can make some really effective magnets to display their own artwork on the fridge – or to give as a gift to siblings or for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day or Grandparent’s Day.
What you need:
  • Modelling clay (such as Fimo) in assorted colors
  • Craft magnets
  • Strong glue
What to do:
  1. Roll some clay to a thick sausage in your hands and shape in to the letters of your chosen name – your child’s, or the name of the recipient of the gift.
  2. Decorate the letters by mixing two different colored clays together to create a marbled effect, or using scraps of another color to make dots or strips to press on to a letter.
  3. Bake the clay following the manufacturer’s instructions. When hard and cool use strong glue to attach a magnet to the back.
More Gifts Kids Can Make.