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Perking up an unhappy toddler


Does your toddler seem to never stop crying? Does he or she still need too much pampering and comforting before actually stopping from wailing? This toddler behavior may be signs of unhappiness.

Unhappy toddlers throw tantrums, wail, and do pretty much everything in between – not eating at all, being restless, and not or rarely responding to attempts to appease them.

You consider such toddler behavior inevitable parts of toddler development. Moody, restless toddlers are a product of their rapidly developing systems, causing palpable changes in toddler behavior in the process.

Toddler behavior like this should not be taken lightly as toddlers often become physically exhausted, and therefore vulnerable, because of it. Toddler behavior like this must be met with patience, at the very least, especially because parents often become the absorbers of any of their child’s mood swings.

Effective diversions may do the trick. Dispel unhappy toddler behavior by showering your toddler with everything opposite – the fun, the interesting, the exciting. Be it their favorite food, TV show, or toy, make it a point to surround them with these one by one to appease unhappy toddler behavior.

But then again, some toddlers just give you a hard time. Even after countless attempts at feeding him ice cream – his most favorite food in the world – you’re still there trying to make his livid face brighten up. Maybe your toddler is also tired? Try putting him or her to sleep – sometimes, toddlers are restless because they want some rest, so to speak.

And because this is a normal part of toddler development, unhappy behaviors that stretch to longer periods, or happen in increasing frequency or gravity, must be elevated to expert opinion. Toddlers who exhibit continual, or habitual, negative mood may have some physiological issues not directly and easily discernible to parents with average medical know-how.

For one, teething may be the problem – when toddlers grow teeth, they’re in pain, so throwing tantrums becomes a natural way of purging what they feel.

But then again, your child may just need TLC – that’s tender loving care – more often. If you have been too busy with your careers lately and have relied the most part of raising your toddler to your nannies, it may be time to refocus your efforts. Toddler development is a turbulent, albeit rapid phase in your child’s life. Once it’s past, you can never take it back again, and along with that, what your child has acquired – attitudes, beliefs, mannerisms – no matter how measly they might appear. Spend quality time with your toddlers at this crucial time, and you might be in for a surprise.