Home Article Picking the Right Toys for Your Toddler

Picking the Right Toys for Your Toddler


What parents overlook in terms of providing their toddler with essential needs is the right choice of toys. At this stage of growth, toddler toys play a significant role in molding a child’s learning capacity and at the same time enhance his vivid imagination. While parents think that toys only aid as their child’s past time item, in reality these become his first educational materials.

To make it easier for moms to decide what types of toddler toys are appropriate for kids, here’s a list of a few reminders:

1.  Age Appropriate

Various toys are available in the market, ranging from the cheapest ones to the most expensive brands. Toddler age should first be considered. First step is to check the box or label of the toy. Manufacturers usually provide a suggested age group where your toddler will most likely fit in.

2. Interest

Because parents want their toddler to learn fast and be smart, they try to buy toys which are visibly meant for educational purposes. Although this contributes to his fast learning, it’s also good to ask the child what types of toys he wants. One trick is to bring the toddler to a toy store and try to encourage him to pick out toddler toys that are colorful, interactive, and can be used for exercise to help him with his motor skills.

3. Usability

A toddler grows up really fast that sometimes, it’s difficult to keep track of their interests. Another tip to lessen those expenses in buying toys one week after another is to purchase toys that grow with the toddler. Puzzles and building blocks will do the trick.

4. Role Playing

Parents can choose toys that include costumes complete with accessories. A toddler enjoys role playing games, such as being a doctor or a chef. Such role-playing puts the child in a make-believe environment which molds his decision making-skills.

5. Toddler Safety

Kids at this toddler age normally imitate what they see on TV. As a parent, moms should be responsible in buying toys that do not invite violence. Thus toy guns and swords shouldn’t be purchased.

Choosing the right toy for your toddler is simple. As long as he enjoys playing with them, the toys are safe to use, and at the same time he’s learning, then that is ultimately a good thing.

Related article: 5 Toys that Promote Creativity in Toddlers