Home Article Pregnancy Weight Gain: How to Manage it?

Pregnancy Weight Gain: How to Manage it?


A pregnancy weight gain has always been under scrutiny. Women in these recent days are very conscious about their figures due to the unrealistic standards of the media. This anxiety is doubled when it comes to pregnancy. They are more concerned in how they’re going to manage pregnancy weight gain.

A woman has a rapid pregnancy weight gain

This is needed to support the demands of a growing baby in your womb. The mother’s health has a big impact on the baby. A big part of a healthy pregnancy diet consists of a balanced and nutritious diet. Women who have big percentage of pregnancy weight gain may have poor nutrition and may develop complications during pregnancy. This may also lead to a risky  pregnancy which greatly affects child birth. Newborn babies who are born with poor nutrition are small and sickly. But eating for two people doesn’t mean you have to consent pregnancy weight gain. It’s not how much you weigh but what you eat that matters for a normal pregnancy weight gain. Generally you only need to add 200-300 calories a day. While in your pregnancy, you should refrain from eating too many foods that are full of fat and sugar. Instead of junk food, you should go for fresh fruits during snack time.

If you have a healthy body mass index the recommended pregnancy weight gain is 25 – 30 lbs. If you’re over overweight it should be within fifteen and twenty five pounds, which is two to three pounds a month during your second and third trimester. If you are obese it should only be between eleven to twenty pounds. Women who stay within recommended pregnancy weight gain are less likely to develop gestational diabetes.

It is not advisable for women with bigger pregnancy weight gain to go on a diet during. This will certainly limit the nutrients that the baby will receive. If you don’t want to experience pregnancy weight gain, exercise is a good way to stay within your limits. Along with a balanced diet, it helps reduce the risk of pregnancy complications. Low impact exercises are highly recommended. You can also ask for the help of a dietitian and have a diary to keep track of your diet.

Pregnancy weight gain may be common especially for mothers who are advised to stay at home. You may be a helpless to the changes that happen in pregnancy but that doesn’t mean you should stop from taking care of yourself. It’s easier to get your figure back after pregnancy, if you keep yourself healthy.