Home Article Role Model for Young Children: A hard but not impossible task

Role Model for Young Children: A hard but not impossible task

Young children usually look up to adults for guidance and advice regarding life in general. Act what you preach. Parenting young children entails showing them good examples because if not, trying to discipline them may just back fire. Positive influence is what gets young children.
Young children are born without any social skills or knowledge of what is right and wrong. In other words, clean sheet of paper. They eagerly look for someone to imitate and that “someone” is usually the parents. Parents’ are the first teachers and role models of young children. And they are usually more affected by what their parents do than what they say.
It’s not easy, but being self-conscious and more aware of your actions can help you become a good role model.
  • Nurture your child. Show love and concern to your child. Tell your child how much you love him every single day. Show affection with a hug or a kiss and make sure to find time for special family activities.
  • Show respect for others. Respect begets respect. If you want your child to respect others, then it’s important to respect your child as well. Discuss and solve misunderstanding without fighting. Emphasize to your child that respect is not gained through intimidation or physical force, but by the kind of character he possesses.
  • Encourage good behavior. Reward your child for job well done. Praising and acknowledging your child’s work will motivate him to do better next time.
  • Understand rather than taking a stand.  Young children who don’t know how to control their anger are the ones who are likely pick a fight. Teach young children to calm down and talk over their problems. Tell them that although their anger is real, it usually goes away and most of the time, you might see or do things that you’ll regret once the anger subside.
  • Walk in a two-way street. This means communicating with young children is very important. Talk to them about their fears and worries, what makes them angry and happy. Listen to your children. Children who have good communication with their parents are most likely going to seek for their advice rather than their peers when they are in trouble.
Working with your children is the best way to instill values and develop their character. Preaching and punishing young children for bad behavior can only do so much. Acting like a responsible and caring adult’s the best way to teach your child. He shouldn’t look so far for a role model, he must be able to find one at home.