Home Article The effects of exercise during pregnancy

The effects of exercise during pregnancy



Exercising during pregnancy is not prohibited; in fact, moving about is encouraged by doctors to help prepare the mother for labor. Exercising for pregnant women, however, is different from exercising at other phases of one’s life. Light enough not to overstretch the body but frequent enough to make a lasting impact, pregnancy exercises are a need instead of an option in pregnancy. What exactly are the effects then of pregnancy exercise?

Improved bodily circulation
There is nothing worse than a sedentary pregnancy, except of course for mothers who are medically prohibited to exert their muscles. For most expectant moms, however, the right exercise would promote better blood circulation throughout the body. Mothers need a good regular circulation during pregnancy to ensure that all necessary nutrients and oxygen are delivered in sufficient amounts to the baby.  

Better sleep
Pregnancy may bring restlessness to mothers, but because exercise aids in proper circulation, a more sound sleep is more probable during pregnancy.

Stronger muscles and reflexes
Regular stretching during pregnancy strengthens the woman’s muscles and trains her reflexes, something she would need during the long hours of labor. Unexercised muscles subjected to extreme exertion on the day of birth will likely result in a longer labor and more physical pain for the mother.

Longer endurance
Giving birth takes time, during which the mother will do nothing else except try to get the baby out safely from her womb. Through pregnancy exercise, the body will be accustomed to exerting extra effort and will therefore equip the mother with the necessary stamina for the hours-long birth. Mothers with weak endurance during pregnancy tend to get exhausted quickly, which at times may result in unfavorable birth consequences, such as switching on the spot to Caesarian section when the mother is found to be incapable of delivering via natural birth.  

Healthier heart
Childbirth demands much from the body’s cardiovascular system, and the world has seen one too many births ending up unsuccessful because of heart-related failures occurring during birth. Engage in cardio exercises like walking to boost your heart’s staying power during pregnancy.

Helps maintain shape
Pregnancy exercises help moms get back in shape after birth easier, because of improved circulation and constant muscular activity.

Pregnancy is a highly demanding phase, but childbirth is twice as much. Preparing one’s body during pregnancy should be enough to wade through the process unscathed through pregnancy exercises, coupled with ample rest and a healthy diet. Overdoing exercise, however, may be harmful in a woman’s body. During pregnancy, routines that involve jumping, rough running, curl-ups, and unnecessary stretching must be avoided. The best forms of exercise during pregnancy include walking, swimming, low-impact aerobics, and dancing.