Home Article The Search for the Perfect Toy

The Search for the Perfect Toy


Choosing a toy for your child or other children can be baffling… especially if you want to get them something they really like, yet you also want them to learn something from it.

A toy cannot teach your child anything if it is not played with. There are always those toys, after birthdays and Christmas, that end up at the bottom of the toy box and are rarely, if ever pulled out.

If you want to find an educational toy yet avoid getting a ‘bottom of the box’ gift, have a look at a few important criteria.

Age Of The Child

Now age is a serious factor. Toys are made generally for a specific age group. The abilities of individual children may vary some. However, a toy for a 3 year old is not going to adequately stimulate a 7 year old.

Equally a game for a 7 year old will not be fun or terribly comprehensive for a toddler. So read the labels carefully. Staff at most toys shops can assist you in finding an age appropriate toy.

“Ask for assistance from the staff,” says Cara from Growing Fun. “They are knowledgeable about the products available and the developmental stages of children. Another important factor is the lifestyle of the family. If the child is to play alone, then the safety of the toy is relevant.”

For safety reasons, toys for children under 3 do not have small breakable parts and pieces that can be swallowed. Toys for children older do.


All children are different and have a different set of interests. If you want to get a gift they really enjoy, spend time finding out just what the child is interested in.

Keep in mind that children learn a lot from playing. The toys they play with help to develop particular skills. Each skill is important so it is best to have a good range. Here are a few broad categories to help.

Active Play

* push and pull toys
* ride-on toys
* outdoor and gym equipment
* sports equipment

Manipulative Play

* construction toys
* puzzles
* pattern-making toys
* dressing, lacing and stringing toys
* sand and water play toys

Make-Believe Play

* dolls
* stuffed toys and puppets
* role play scenes and materials
* transportation toys
* projectile toys

Creative Play

* musical instruments
* art and craft materials
* audio-visual equipment

Learning Play

* games
* specific skill development toys
* books

Who They Play With

Children love to play together with their friends and this is important when looking for a toy. “Be very cautious of getting a toy requiring multiple players for a single child if they haven’t someone to play with,” says Yihui from The Better Toy Store at Ngee Ann City.

“A great gift is a game with a few cards saying that when presented, you will take the time to play their new game with them. It is very important if you don’t have a specific item in mind to ask the staff to show you a few things. They can identify an area that would be most suitable for the age and interest of a particular child. There are quite a few toys here that children can play with alone or with others.”

The Better Toy Store has an incredible range of games and wooden toys for all ages. The strategy games are particularly intriguing for mind development and they are beautifully designed. They also have a spectacular collection of hand puppets.


The cost of an item does not ensure failure or success. Children play with something because they like it not because of the cost. Only parents look at the cost.

Popularity Of The Item

“Batman, Barbie and Cinderella are popular with the kids right now,” says Mr. Ross from Kidz Place & Action Toyz.

“However,” he continues, “find out what the child likes to do and then get it with batman on it. You can choose anything from action figures and books to puzzles and games. Barbie has a huge range of everything from cars to clothing and of course the many dolls.

“Look at the range of items and find something different to add to a collection if they have one. Many toy stores have fifty of the same item but not much variety.”

Action Toys specializes in those harder to find items.

At The End Of The Day

Toys facilitate the learning process and it is not important that the child has a million toys, just that they play with and learn from the toys they have.