Home Article Walk through your Toddler’s Intellectual Development

Walk through your Toddler’s Intellectual Development

Toddler is the best time for learning and development of new skills. As your child reach toddler age, you’ll notice that he asks so many questions all the time and is curious about everything in his surroundings. Make sure that you monitor and guide your toddler’s intellectual progress.
Toddlers are like sponges that absorb everything around them. As a parent, you can help stimulate your toddler’s intellectual development in a variety of ways. The ability to imitate develops at this age, which is a useful skill to enhance your toddler’s learning and development.
Your toddler learns through different method, from his senses up to the higher level of techniques. Mostly, your child learns using his senses, experimenting on things that he does on a daily basis, and manipulating objects like interacting with his toys and dissecting it to pieces.
12 to 18 months
During this time, your toddler can already understand simple directions and may answer simple questions like “Are you hungry” He starts to run around and look for something in more than one place. He also has the ability to recognize familiar faces and will notice and cry when familiar people leave him.
18 to 24 months
By this time, your toddler can already use objects like spoon and fork in new ways and can find objects by following simple directions. You can also teach your toddler new things as he/she can already identify familiar sounds like noise, voice, horn, car, and animal sounds. He can even recognize himself in the mirror. You can also start buying children’s books as your toddler already appreciates and enjoy looking at illustrations.  

24 to 36 months

Your toddler’s brain is developing rapidly and he can now remember where things such as toys are kept and knows how to get them. He can already learn from experience and remembers things that already transpired. You can already teach him body parts of animals and humans.
Toddlers are bursting with ideas and energy to explore his surroundings. You need to ensure that your toddler can safely explore his surroundings and that you give him the necessary tools for intellectual development. But remember, toddlers learn by copying so you must set a good example all the time. You need to be there every step of his way.