Home Baby Baby Week 9

Baby Week 9


Your Baby Is Watching You

Your baby is 9 weeks old today!  If you have gone back to work, how are you adjusting?   How has baby adjusted?  Whether he is in daycare or another family member is babysitting for you, it’s normal think about him throughout the day and worry a bit.  Sometimes the separation anxiety hits the parents harder!  I didn’t report back to work until my daughter was over two years old and by that time she was in a playgroup class for half the day.  But, with my son, I went back to work when he was eight months old. And even though I had eight months to be with him, I still worried about him throughout the day.  Trust me, it gets easier – you may not stop worrying about your baby, but you are at least able to get some work done!

Your baby has made other improvements in his motor skills.  As his neck has become much stronger, you also notice a change in his fine motor skills — where his hands used to be tightly fisted, they are now loosely fisted.  Your baby is getting more coordinated with his fine motor skills and he is well on his way to holding and grabbing objects!

Another development that you will start to see is his social interaction and how he relates to people – you especially.  He has been looking at you in response to your voice for some time now and he is starting to follow you with his eyes.  When you’re walking around the room or if it’s just from one side of your baby to the other, he is interested and his eyes will track you.  Your environment is becoming increasingly interesting and stimulating for your baby.