Home Life Stages Preschooler Week 31

Preschooler Week 31



Children at age three and a half start to exhibit changes in the way they communicate with their peers.  Some children love to engage in activities with friends, but others prefer to stay in the sidelines and watch.  Some children never stop talking, but others are as meek as a mouse.  Some children cling to an adult, while some children freely socialize with others.  These scenarios are all typical for kids in the early childhood period. Frequently, however, children talkative and friendly one day can become quiet and withdrawn the next. Every day, every mood is different.

Children assimilate behaviors and responses in social situations by observing others. This is why it is very important for parents to be great role models for their children. Throughout the day, unknown to parents, children watch their every move and absorb actions, reactions, words, and even mannerisms and facial expressions like a sponge. This is why you should always be in the ready to act as the perfect social model whenever you and your kids meet new people. Teach them how to greet different people at different times of the day and in different situations. You can even give them a tip or two to start conversations right with other kids.

If your child prefers smaller groups of people, you may invite one of his or her friends over for a play date at home or at the park. This gives your child the chance to interact one on one with another friend as he or she builds confidence in social situations. Be sure to teach your child polite ways to welcome, start a conversation, and play with his or her friend. Once the children are comfortable with each other, you can withdraw yourself from the loop as you continue to listen and watch their actions. Think of fun activities to engage in and prepare a scrumptious snack for the kids to share during play. These laidback activities offer wonderful opportunities for kids to enhance their social skills and make new friends in the process.