Home Life Stages Preschooler Week 91

Preschooler Week 91


Go Out And Play!

Your child wants to swing but he can’t get the swing to move!  He tries with all his might but it won’t go so he asks you for a push.  When is your child ready to learn how to pump on his own?  Before the age of three, most children aren’t even physically able to coordinate all the movements in succession to make the swing move.  Pumping is a complicated gross motor skill that takes practice.  If your child is ready to try pumping give it a go!  If he seems scared, worried or frustrated then stop.

First of all, make sure your child is holding tightly onto the swing the entire time.  To get him started, give him a small gentle push.  When he is going backwards, have him bend his legs and when he is going forwards, tell him to straighten his legs.  “Bend, Straighten, Bend, Straighten.”  It’s a pattern!  His pumping will not be perfected on his first try in fact this can take months to learn.  You can hop on a swing and model for him what you are expecting him to be doing.  Over exaggerate your movements as you swing as your repeat the pattern out loud:  “Bend, Straighten, Bend Straighten.”  Remember that in early childhood repetition is key for remembering.  The other sensation your son needs to feel is the way his body leans back with each pump. Try swinging with your child on your lap so he can feel the sensation.  It’s just another tip to get your child swinging like a monkey!

Take frequent walks to the park.  Try out the swing during different times of the day.  Are his muscles stronger in the morning?  Does his strong determination shine after he’s had a good meal?  Just like adults, children have moments when their focus is stronger.

Engage your child in other activities at the park.  Observe him as he is walking up the steps to the slide.  Are his feet climbing in an alternate pattern and is he using the railing for safety?  Next, have him try jumping off surfaces and landing with two feet on the ground.  His gross motor development is being enhanced as you introduce him to new activities and movements.  Follow his lead.  What are his favorite outdoor activities?