Home Life Stages Toddler Week 6

Toddler Week 6


Mealtime Battles

Toddlerhood is a transition phase when it comes to children’s dietary needs. This is the time when you can start introducing more solid food to toddlers in addition to their milk intake. However, not all toddlers may feel too keen on reducing their milk intake and adding solid food into their daily diet. They may feel more attached to the security that their feeding bottle brings, or else feel reluctant to try strange tastes and textures. But toddlerhood is the best time to start making this slow transition. One of the best ways to do this is to have your toddlers join the rest of the family during mealtimes. Offer them some of the family fare, making sure that everything is cut into bite-sized pieces for easier chewing.

Put your toddlers into their high chairs as the rest of the family gathers around the table for the meal. It’s better to give them several choices on their own tray so that they can explore their food on their own. Keep in mind, however, that you must never force your toddlers to eat food they do not want to eat.

Similarly, just because your toddler has refused to eat solid food at any given day does not mean that his or her dietary needs are not being met. Milk intake, after all, is still the main source of nourishment, and as long as your toddler drinks enough milk, there is no cause for worry. You should still keep introducing solid food to them until they get used to these and actually enjoy taking them along with their milk. Having solid food as snacks is also a good idea.

Introducing solid food into toddlers’ diet does not take overnight. The key here is to be both persistent and patient, waiting until your toddler appreciates the taste and texture of solid food to actually crave for it.