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Get Your Toddler Ready For The Day


Getting your baby back to sleep

From around four months your baby is likely to be sleeping for longer periods, but they may still be waking frequently during the night. Establishing good sleep habits early on can help prevent bad sleep problems before they start so, here are some tips to help you get them back to sleep.

Encourage falling asleep alone

It may be difficult at first, but try to leave the room while your baby is calm and awake. If your child is used to drifting off on their own, it’s more likely they will go back to sleep without crying for you if they wake during the night.

Prevent the dry skin cycle

Itchy skin – and the need to scratch – could mean a long, sleepless night for your baby and you. Your baby’s dry skin can become hotter, itchier, and more irritated during the night. Soothe your baby’s skin by applying Oilatum® Soothe & Protect Baby Moisturising Lotion at least 20 minutes before bedtime to help keep them comfortable. If your baby is scratching a lot, keep their fingernails short to prevent them from damaging their skin. Putting mittens on their hands at night can also help if they scratch when asleep.

Use a security object

Babies have a strong sense of smell from birth, unlike eyesight, which develops gradually over the first year of life. Smell is the most advanced sense they have at birth. Keep your baby’s blanket near you for a while before bedtime so that it carries your scent. Then put it in the crib when you put your baby down to sleep. If your child wakes in the night, the smell of you can help calm them, allowing them to fall back to sleep independently.

Have a playlist

If your baby becomes distressed and self-soothing isn’t working, try creating a playlist of lullabies, nursery rhymes or classical music that you can play to help settle them. Many experts agree that music by classical composers Brahms and Bach has a calming effect.