Home Article Teach Good Study Habits Early

Teach Good Study Habits Early


Children have a lot to learn in school these days and we can help out by teaching them some good study habits early on.

It takes a bit of extra time at the beginning of their school career but will help them to be efficient and positive throughout. There are a lot of books on the subject that are helpful and motivating.

How to Parent So Children Will Learn by Dr. Sylvia Rim is one of the better ones on the market. Dr. Rim is a psychologist and directs Family Achievement Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio, and is a clinical professor at Case School of Medicine.

She has authored many articles and books including How to Parent So Children Will Learn, Why Bright Kids Get Poor Grades And What You Can Do About It, Raising Preschoolers, See Jane Win®, How Jane Won, and See Jane Win® For Girls.

Here are a few good tips for parents of today’s students.

Organised study and homework schedule together.

Make a calendar on a drawing block for each month (or buy a big calendar) and give lots of space for notes. From the school, you’ll get a schedule of exams and important dates. With your child, fill in the calendar adding in the enrichment classes. Use colored pens so that it is easy to decipher the schedule. Put the calendar on the wall. Either one month at a time or one quarter so that they can see the exam schedule and the time allotted for the term.

Find a good time to study that will not be interrupted.

An established study routine is very important, especially for younger school age children. If a child knows, for example, that he is expected to do homework immediately after dinner prior to watching television or just after lunch before going out to play, he will be better able to adjust and ready himself than if he is allowed to do homework any time he pleases. While you are scheduling time and subjects look at putting the first and second language at different times so that they aren’t confused with grammar and vocabulary. While learning a second language they have to learn to think in the language as well.

Make a study place.

A place to study is equally as important as reserving time for study. Certain places provoke conditioned behaviors. We are conditioned to relax in front of a television. We are conditioned to sleep on our beds. We can condition ourselves to learn by studying at the same quiet place every day. Children need a table or desk to work at every day. Students will complain at first, but they’ll get used to a new, productive way to study when forced to comply.

Make sure the lighting is good and the area is well ventilated.

Nothing can make you sleepier than a poorly ventilated room or dim lights.

Study at the allotted time everyday, even if you don’t have homework.

Practice spelling, second language writing, mathematics tables, or revise lessons from the week. This time can be used for home learning like doing experiments or reading about famous people and what they did. As long as the time is spent learning.

Teach your child that studying is more than just doing homework assignments.

One of the most misunderstood aspects of schoolwork is the difference between studying and doing homework assignments. Encourage your child to do things like: – take notes as he’s reading a chapter- learn to skim material- learn to study tables and charts- learn to summarize what he has read in his own words- learn to make his own flashcards for quick review of dates, formulas, spelling words etc.

Don’t let anything interrupt the study time.

This includes watching TV, fixing a snack, and talking on the phone. Some people claim they can study better with music playing. That’s a matter of personal preference. If it’s just quiet background music that doesn’t make your child want to play the drums on her books, it’s probably not too distracting.

Be realistic about your child’s level of effective concentration.

A 7 year old cannot work for too long efficiently. 30 minutes is a good amount of time. After that their minds will wander and the study is inefficient. Let them take a break for 10 minutes. Do not turn on the TV during breaks.

Talk about failure and mistakes honestly.

Everyone fails and makes mistakes somewhere. Being able to rebound and succeed after making a dreadful mistake is a talent all its own. It’s called perseverance and all successful people will say that it is perseverance that helped them to succeed.

Teach them how to focus.

Learning to focus is hard and takes time. Help them stay focused in a positive way with gentle reminders to carry on. Soon they will be able to do it on their own. It is a skill that is learned.

Cultivate a positive attitude towards learning.

Of course none of this will help without a positive attitude towards learning. A positive attitude is invaluable. This attitude comes from the parents so be willing to learn along with your child and give them all the support you can.