Home Article 6 Ways to Encourage Love for Science in Kids

6 Ways to Encourage Love for Science in Kids


When we were still in school, a subject that had a degree of mystery was science. Scientists were often depicted in science books as bespectacled old men with white lab coats mixing different colored liquids.

This notion that science is difficult for the average mind and reserved for the small confines of a laboratory is probably the reason why many kids are reluctant science learners. This is a challenge facing not only teachers but parents as well.

To overcome this, parents should help their kids develop a different mindset towards science. Science is nothing more than observing the world around us, recording these observations to eventually find out why we saw what we did. Armed with this knowledge, we can now use this information to influence the world around us. It is not memorizing facts, figures and concepts.

Here are some techniques to help parents encourage a love for science in their kids:

1. Read to your kids

This cannot be stressed enough: reading begets learning. It doesn’t even have to be a science book. In fact, it is the barage of questions, something which many parents hate, that children throw at their parents when reading that should be encouraged.

Instead of stressing out over the questions or simply dismissing them, parents should take that time to find answers with their children. These questions should serve as a jumping point to dive deeper into a topic which piqued the child’s interest. Ultimately, the answers may not be as important as the search for it.

2. Encourage questions

Children never seem to tire from asking questions. Adults, however, seem to tire from answering said questions. To us their questions may seem mundane, complicated, or simply incomprehensible. But to them, it is a way to explore their world. As what was mentioned previously, take time to answer them and enjoin them to help find answers.

3. Go out on walks

Weekends and holidays for many city dwellers usually revolve around the shopping malls. Free time is spent in front of the television screen or on similar gadgets. It seems many families have neglected the leisurely neighborhood walks.

Even if you don’t live in an exclusive gated community, urban city walks have a lot to offer to pique your child’s interest. Be sure to be attentive to what catches your child’s eye when going out on these walks. It may be neon lights, honking horns, or flying birds. Whatever these may be, you can now use them as jumping points to search for answers and learn.

4. Visit parks, gardens or nature trails

The study of life is a big part of science. What better way to introduce them to biology than letting them roam freely in a garden? Regular visits are definitely better because children get the chance to explore deeper. A child might notice a flower bud on his first visit and notice that it has bloomed when he returns a few days after.

5. Visit zoos, aquariums, and museums

The metropolis is teeming with different attractions that cater to teaching science. Many parents leave these visiting these places to the mandatory school field trips. However, taking a trip on your own allows the child to experience these places without the distractions of other classmates and harried concern of teachers. The child will retain more things and probably enjoy the trip more when done in a relaxed atmosphere.

6. Let them conduct experiments

Experiments do not happen only in closed laboratories. Teach the word to your child early on and explain how to go about doing one. Simply put, it is discovering the result after subjecting it to a particular scenario. So when the child says: “I wonder what will happen if I mix my red and yellow water color?” You can set up the experiment and marvel at your child’s face when he discovers orange.

Our roles as parents in the development of young scientific minds is not as heavy as one might think. We do not need to explain difficult concepts nor have them memorize complicated facts. We only need to open their eyes to the world around them and lead them to make their own discoveries.