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Even Wonderwoman Needs to Rest: 3 Reasons Why Your Need a Your Version of a Sabbath


Do moms really ever stop working?

Whether you are a stay at home mom, or a mom who works full time, we’re sure your day is filled from the moment you open your eyes, to the moment you rest your head on the pillow to end your day. As a mom, we are sure your days are filled with house chores, meetings, appointments, playdates, catchups, and a seemingly never ending list of things to do.

And as we live in a time that glorifies “busy,” we are tempted to continue to do more, work more, be more, and achieve more. We are called to be superwomen, and “slashies.” But even the most accomplished women (who seem to have the amazing ability to multiply themselves) need a good solid break.

Here are 3 reasons why you need your version of a Sabbath.

 1. So that you can avoid a physical, mental and emotional burnout. Do you constantly feel, tired, overwhelmed, stressed, helpless, and unmotivated? If you are feeling one or all of the above, chances are you are on your way to a burn out. Do not wait for your body, mind, and emotional state to crash and because its effects can have long term consequences on your life.

2. Because your relationships will suffer. Being in a constant state of busy will not only take your time away from those you love the most, but also affect the quality of your relationships with them. When women are stressed, we tend to become more impatient and less sensitive. In the race to do it all, often the ones we claim we are doing it all for (our families) are the ones who who suffer most.

3. Because you need to fill your cup. Does the guilt of taking a break consume you? It is time to start seeing this in another way. You need to fill your cup with activities (or a lack of them) that give you real rest, and enrich your soul. Try to see your version of a Sabbath (whether this is an entire day, or just 1 hour each day) as a way to fill your cup in ways that will energize you and inspire you to give nothing but the best of yourself to your different roles.

Give yourself a break mama, and label it as one of the major priorities in your week. This isn’t about being selfish with your time, or neglecting your loved ones. It is about caring for yourself so that you can care for others better.