Home Article How to Deal with Mom Stress: Make Lists!

How to Deal with Mom Stress: Make Lists!


By Patricia Gonzalez

Moms are notorious for keeping full schedules and running around like headless chickens. A doctor’s appointment for this child, a few missing ingredients to be bought for tonight’s meal, and piles and piles of papers to sift through for work. “The deadlines are fast approaching! And my child won’t stop crying!” What’s a busy working mother to do?

While there are numerous productivity hacks which are great options for moms, making a list is a great place to start. It is the mind and body’s way of organizing one’s thoughts and directing one’s focus and energy to the right activities. And beyond increasing productivity and efficiency, making lists also has many health benefits.

1. Making lists decreases your stress levels. Making lists put the fears of being unable to accomplish tasks taking these fears out of your head and unto a piece of paper (whatever that may be for you.) This significantly reduces anxiety, because it gives you a renewed sense of control over the situation. It’s the same principle as sharing a problem with a friend. Sometimes, you just need to unload.

2. Making lists makes you smarter. The exercise of list making keeps you sharp by exercising specific areas of the brain that are not often used.

3. Making lists improve your focus. Studies have shown that goals are more likely to be achieved when individuals are focused. Lists help moms to manage their time and energies throughout the day in achieving their goals.

4. Making lists gives you confidence. List makers derive a great sense of satisfaction from ticking items off their checklists. It gives them a sense of accomplishment and productivity, fueling them with the confidence, motivation and energy to achieve more.

5. Making lists organizes your thoughts. When all of your tasks seem to overlap, and your feel like your life is starting to get crazy, declutter your mind and write down your thoughts. This will clear your mind and give you the clarity, calm, and confidence to begin acting on your most urgent and important tasks.

So if you feel like your life is spinning out of control, do yourself a favor and take a moment to breathe. Sit down, bring out your favorite pen and a piece of paper to start making lists that promise to change your days, and your life. You can do it mama!


Patricia Gonzalez is MOMCENTER’s Editor. She has two adorable daughters–ages 1 and 2, and is married to a man who inspires her to be a better woman everyday.

Beyond her work as a writer, she also an entrepreneur and manages the PR, marketing, and social media of two of her own local clothing brands, @coralswimwearph and @pearlclothingph.

She is a woman on a mission, and believes that motherhood is not limiting, but empowering. Join her on her journey by following her on instagram at @patriciaogonzalez.