Home Article Prenatal Yoga: More Than Just a Work Out

Prenatal Yoga: More Than Just a Work Out


I was on my 6th month of pregnancy when I started attending a prenatal yoga class on the weekends. I remember driving my growing belly over on bright Saturday mornings to a studio located in one of the oldest buildings in the central business district. which was quiet and peaceful…a pleasant change from what it normally looked and felt like on a hectic Wednesday or Friday.

We were around 5 expectant mothers in the class. I had signed up with my good friend and always kept an eye out for her when I entered the room. It was nice to see a familiar face who I knew was going through exactly the same thing I was. I did my best to attend each class up until I delivered, not just because I knew I was giving my body the movement and stretching that it needed to bring my baby safely and happily into life–but also for other reasons that went beyond my prenatal health.

1. It made me feel connected to my baby. I was working full time during my first pregnancy and setting aside a sacred hour that was just for me and me for her (no distractions, no noise) was such a special time. Even if you are carrying your baby around in your belly all the time, it doesn’t mean that you necessarily feel connected or close. Like all other relationships, the intimacy between a mother and a child takes time, dedication and work. Prenatal class encouraged me to be aware of the growing life that was inside of me by encouraging me to pay attention to her movements, talk to her, and just try to move in unison with her.

2. It reminded me that I was not alone. Pregnancy is a scary thing! And doing the prenatal class alongside women who were going through the exact same thing as me was inexplicably comforting. There truly is strength and numbers, and our regular classes together created a bond between strangers

3. It put my anxieties at ease. Breathing exercises, soothing music, delicious stretches and truly soulful meditation were all the wonderful ways prenatal yoga brought peace to my heart, and made me feel ready to embark on the journey of motherhood.