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What ultrasound reveals about your baby


Ultrasound is a routine test during pregnancy. An ultrasound test is your baby’s regular check-up to ensure he or she grows healthy and on time. A baby’s general well-being through ultrasound tests is assessed through the following:

Gender – Knowing whether your baby is a boy or girl is one of ultrasound testing’s exciting treats. This is usually done between the 18th and 22nd week of pregnancy, when the baby’s sex organ will be easily discernible.

Estimated date of birth – An ultrasound reveals the stage of pregnancy at the time of the test, and your doctor can tell you an estimate of your birth date. This can be done by looking at the size of the baby’s head, abdomen, or femur. Knowing which stage of pregnancy you’re already in is also crucial for what steps to take in maintaining optimum health for you and your baby. This is especially essential for mothers who have had difficult pregnancies in the past or those that are having a highly sensitive one for the first time.

Fetal motion – Through ultrasound tests, babies’ motions inside the womb are also detected and assessed. Through the viewing screen made available in the lab during the test, you could view your baby’s image as the doctor moves the detector all around your tummy. Detecting fetal motion is essential for assessing whether the baby is developing normally as he or she should at that particular pregnancy stage.

Number of babies – Why yes, an ultrasound will also reveal if you’re having a baby or two, or perhaps even more. There have been many cases of mothers who have not undergone ultrasound and were surprised to give birth to more than one baby! More a precautionary measure than a deliberate attempt to suspend the surprise until the due date, ultrasound testing before giving birth is always better for your babies’ well-being.

Abnormalities – Early detection of abnormal growths, stunted development, and other complications on your babies is better than finding out about them when it’s too late. Most mothers agree that ultrasound works best to detect threats to baby’s normal growth, at which time apt medical intervention could be done to save babies and mothers. An underdeveloped body part is never a nice surprise alongside babies’ gender, so better be prepared early and takes that ultrasound when your doctor recommends it.

Amount of amniotic fluid – Amniotic fluid is the nourishing enclosure of babies inside mothers’ womb. This must be in sufficient amounts–something your doctor can only assess via ultrasound.

Placenta condition – Another lifeline for babies is the placenta, a temporary organ connecting mothers and babies, and which transfers nutrients from mothers to babies as well.