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Working Mommas: Slow Day At the Office? Here are Our Tips on How to Get Over a Work Slump


As working moms, our days can feel like tugs of war between the different facets of our lives. When we are at work, we are missing our children. When we are at home, we are thinking of all that we need to accomplish for work. And often this internal conflict…if left unchecked, leaves us feeling guilty, uninspired, and as a result, also very unfulfilled.

But we also know that these feelings don’t last forever. They come, hover over our heads like dark clouds, and eventually move on. The sun almost always comes after, even if it feels like it takes forever to arrive. Knowing this, what would be the best way to combat these seasonal work slumps? Here are tips from momcenter to get you out of that work slump.

Spend time with friends. Distract yourself and draw positive energy from good company. Schedule a coffee date with that friend who always seems to be doing something exciting and new. Call the colleague who is most known for his optimism and humor. Get inspiration from your super spiritual sister who is wonderful for putting things into perspective.

Read something inspiring. Pick up an inspirational book that will inspire you to return to work with a changed attitude and a new motivation to succeed. If self-help titles don’t appeal to you, read an adventure filled novel to give you the motivation to live life in an extraordinary and exceptional way…just like its protagonist hero!

Exercise. There’s nothing quite the “reset” provided by getting your heart pumping after even just 15 minutes of exercise. Feed off the endorphins brought about by a session of yoga, a healthy jog, or a refreshing swim to return to work re-energized.

Turn to prayer. Draw strength from the source of all. Ask for the grace to persevere, to focus, and do your work well even if you would really rather be relaxing or having fun with your kids today. It is for them that you are doing all of this work anyway.

Go back to your why. Return to your primary motivation and to your goals. Are you working to provide for your children? Are you working to make some of your dreams come true? Remind yourself of the reasons why you do what you do. If you can, post them on a cork board at your desk alongside the photos of your family to remind you, during your slowest days, what will truly drive you to succeed.