Home Article 9 Signs You’re a Millennial Mom

9 Signs You’re a Millennial Mom

The fact that you're reading this means you're one! Here are 8 more signs you're definitely a millennial mom.


Millennials. These days, a lot of conversations seem to revolve around how Millennials are affecting businesses and workplaces, bringing with them a few changes that are a bit drastic and unheard of for the Baby boomers generation. Well, it seems that Millennials are not slowing down in their pursuit of world domination because aside from the workplace, Millennials are taking motherhood head on. This comes as no surprise as Millennials are defined as individuals born from around 1980 to 2000 – so it’s no wonder that a lot of the new moms today are considered Millennials. And while a lot has been said of Millennial’s work attitude (some of them a bit on the negative side), no one can discount the fact that Millennials seem to be doing just fine in the motherhood arena.

So aside from your birthdate falling within the specified year, how do you know that you are a certified Millennial mom? Well, here’s how:

You might be a Millennial mom if…

1. You have posted 7,545 photos of your kiddos on your Facebook and Instagram, and still, show no signs of slowing down.

From your baby’s first smile to your baby’s first steps, you have a Facebook album for everything. You don’t have a physical baby book for your child, but your Facebook timeline more than serves the purpose (is there any way to print this?). Millennial moms love technology and use social media for everything including documenting her child’s growth and development.

2. You are a member of 20+++ Facebook groups for moms.

You’re a member of Breastfeeding Pinays, BabyWearing Pinays, Cloth-Diapering Pinays, and Baby-Led Weaning Pinays just to name a few. For every motherhood advocacy or trend, there’s bound to be 5 or more Facebook groups for it and Millennial moms are sure to be a member of one or more. In the same way that Millennial moms use social media to document their kiddos’ lives, they also use it to gather relevant information and connect with like-minded moms as well – it’s a digital-based mommy support group.

3. Your baby is named something unique and creative, like Bellarose or Ames.

Perhaps this is due to the fact that it’s easier to search for baby names now with the Internet (no need to buy those baby name books anymore), or that more parents realized that its way easier to get an NBI clearance if your name does not have a “hit,” but whatever the case may be, baby names have definitely become more creative and unique in the last few years. This includes classic names that are spelled differently.

4. Your kids know how to use and have constant access to your iPhone (or maybe even have their own).

You have long accepted the fact that your iPhone is also their iPhone, and it’s a small price to pay to have a peaceful dinner out. Not to mention that kiddos take really cute selfies ☺

5. You would rather consult your Facebook groups or a blog than call your mom.

Millennial moms’ go-to for advice? Facebook groups, mommy blogs, or even Google. Although doing so has its perks – such as getting first-hand reviews and recommendations from other moms, there are still instances when consulting professionals are still the best way to go – such as when your little one is sick.

6. You and little Bellarose/Ames have matching outfits/tops.

And you owe your cute mother-daughter or mother-son twinning outfits to an online store. Because you now do all your window-shopping on Instagram.

7. You Facetime with Grandpa and Grandma all the time.

You use technology to your advantage, and that includes Facetiming with the grannies every chance you and your kiddo get. Because in this day and age, distance is no longer an excuse, right?

8. Playdates are not just for the kids.

Millennial moms schedule playdates not just for the kids, but for themselves too. Whether it’s with your real-life or online friends (Facebook mommy group meet-up anyone?), playdates are a great way for moms to go out, socialize with adults (because you’ve been talking to a 4-year old for the most part of the week), and recharge for the next mommy challenges ahead.

9. You realize that in spite of the Internet and gadgets, you are still slowly becoming your mother.

And there’s nothing wrong with that. One positive thing Millennials are known for is their positive and upbeat attitude, and it also reflects in motherhood. Millennial moms recognize that all moms are awesome, tough, and resilient in their own respective ways. And no one else gets the credit for this positive upbringing, other than her own mom. So carry on mommas! And raise the next generation’s kickass moms and dads well.