Home Article Celebrity Mamas Who Breastfeed Everywhere + How to Do So Easily

Celebrity Mamas Who Breastfeed Everywhere + How to Do So Easily

Just keep on latching anytime, anywhere, mamas 😉


How does breastfeeding in public make you feel? Have you ever gotten ‘the stare’ or ever experienced people moving away from you when you’re doing so? Unfortunately, there are still people who can still be quite unsupportive of breastfeeding mothers. Some might even question the nutrients the baby gets from their mother’s milk. Ouch! There are a number of reasons why it’s also called liquid gold, people!

Breastfeeding is a natural thing to do. So really, why be ashamed? Even celebrities breastfeed their babies in public! Look at these inspirational mothers doing what they need to do even in public places.

Despite the persistent advocacy of the Department of Health, both public and private hospitals, and breastfeeding advocates or groups, breastfeeding still sometimes encounter a bit of resistance in our society. This may be attributed in part to the fact that some people are unaware of the importance of breastfeeding. Or, they might not realize that breastfeeding is just simply feeding our babies in the most natural and nutritious way.

On the other side of the fence, some mothers might also be ashamed or uncomfortable to breastfeed in public. This is also understandable as some might not be that comfortable in showing skin in public. Fortunately, a lot of clothing and other accessories can be had that aim to let mothers breastfeed as comfortable as possible. Some of these include:

Nursing pads: During the early months of your baby, you might experience milk leaking from your breasts. Having a nursing pad inside your bra will absorb the letdown and keep your shirts dry. No need to worry about breast milk marks on your shirt showing off to the world that you are lactating.

Nursing bra: Nursing bras have clips or buttons that will allow you to uncover a part of your breast so your babies can easily latch without the bothersome pads. Some nursing bras have soft fabric instead of buttons or clips so you can easily pull it down when your baby needs to feed.

Nursing covers: A lot of nursing covers are now available in the market. It’s just like an apron but bigger. You can put it over your baby when he/she breastfeeds so your breasts are covered. However, some babies do not prefer covers. In such cases, moms’ creativity and resourcefulness are put to the test. Some moms put their babies’ lampins over their breast while babies are latching.

Nursing blouses/dresses: This is a very very big help to breastfeeding moms! No need to unbutton the blouse, no need to pull up the shirt and expose the tummy, and no need to limit your attendance to formal events because no dress has easy boob access for breastfeeding. A lot of nursing blouses and yes, even formal dresses, are now available both in physical and online stores.

All these products are available to make breastfeeding comfortable for both mothers and babies. Mothers no longer have to worry about exposing themselves in public when their babies are hungry. And hopefully, people will no longer feel awkward when they see mothers breastfeeding in public.

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