Home Article Our Generation’s Dads are Winning in Parenting. And We’re Loving It!

Our Generation’s Dads are Winning in Parenting. And We’re Loving It!

And we’re loving them! How much do you love the dads in your lives, mamas? 😍


Image Credit: Unsplash/Geovanny Velásquez

Let’s admit it, dads sometimes get a bad rep in parenting. So much so that it is all too common to see bad dads or funny dads in memes, social media posts, and even pop culture references. But all this might soon come to an end, as this generation’s crop of dads are proving that they rock the parenting gig all too well.

We’re not saying that all dads are bad at parenting. We’re just taking notice of the fact that dads are doing more than just being a good provider for their families — which is already a hard thing to accomplish in itself. These days dad can be seen with their hands full of parenting, household chores, and everything in between. And we moms see them! We see all the hard work and love that they devote to their families, so here’s a post dedicated to celebrate them.

Dads are not afraid to function as the primary caregiver

Gone are the days when dads are clueless about how to handle a colicky baby or how to take care of the kids on their own for a few days. These days, it’s normal to hear mommies recount stories of how their partners can easily rock their babies to sleep, or how they can afford to go on mommy-dates while the kids are at home with their dads. Dads are even becoming a normal feature in school drop-offs and PTA meetings. Granted, moms are still in the lead when it comes to parenting tasks but it seems that the numbers between both parents are becoming more balanced with this generation’s dads.

Dads are more than willing to do their share of household work

Aside from partaking in parenting tasks more, dads these days are also unafraid to get their hands dirty with household chores. Dads can be seen cooking, cleaning, and grocery shopping among other things.

Dads are willing and fun playmates

In the same way that they’re doing more parenting tasks, dads these days are not afraid of playing and even roughing it out with their kids. Dads seem to have a better capacity for roughhousing compared to moms, thanks in part to their physical build and strength that makes them perfect for physical play.

Aside from this, dads tend to have a higher tolerance and patience for naughtiness, mess, and even tumbles compared to moms. So other than the fun memories, playtimes with dad can build confidence and resilience in kids.

Dads are flexible with roles and responsibilities

Perhaps what all these prove is that today’s dads are flexible and they are more than willing to step up to provide what their family needs. And this is not limited to financial support. Compared to men in the past, this generation’s dads fully embrace their parenting roles — from all-around nannies, decision-makers, mentors, protectors, providers, to punching bags, and more.

Dads love moms

And they’re not afraid to show it! This is a good thing because it shows our kids what real love is. Sons get to see how to treat women and girls right, while daughters get to know what they can expect to be treated by men. So this by far is the best thing about this generation’s dads.

So, to the dads in our life, we see you and we love you. You rock parenthood ❤️

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