Home Article 6 Good Reasons to be a Plantita

6 Good Reasons to be a Plantita

Obsessed with plants these days? Well with reasons such as these, it’s pretty hard not to be 🌱


Image Credit: Unsplash/Alexandra Gorn

If you’ve been trawling social media these days, then chances are you would’ve noticed how popular houseplants are right now. These plants are nice to look at and can upgrade your Zoom background (especially now that everything’s being done virtually), but did you know that they also have health benefits?

If you’re still unsure whether you can fully commit to plant-babies (they can also be a chore to take care off), here are a few science-backed benefits of being a plantita or plantito:

Plants can improve your mental health

Plants have long been used for medicinal purposes, whether it’s via their leaves, roots, or juices. But aside from these obvious health benefits, plants are also good for your mental health just by being in the same room as you. They can give off a sense of calmness, as they just sit there and grow. They don’t get stressed when you are stressed or rushing, and instead gives a sense of peace with their stillness.

Another way that they could help with your mental health is that they give off the feeling of being outdoors. When you see them, you couldn’t help but think of nature and open spaces, thereby making you feel less boxed in inside your home or if you live in a highly urbanized area.

Plants can also help with your home’s air quality, releasing oxygen into the air while taking up carbon dioxide. So having more plants in your home means improving your home’s air quality. More oxygen at home means that your body works more efficiently, you think clearly, you feel less fatigued and generally more happy.

Plants can boost your immune system

Aside from improving your mental health, plants can be beneficial to your physical health as well. They can give your immune system a boost especially during the flu season.

This is also due in part to the mental health benefits. If you sleep better, you generally feel more relaxed and your immune system functions better too. This way, you’re more likely to be immune to bugs and viruses that might be going around.

Aside from this, plants have phytoncides and other airborne chemicals that could help reduce the amount of stress you feel in a day. So again, your immune system gets a boost because of this.

Plants can improve your productivity

Plants can make your home or workspace more interesting and personal, providing you with important reminders and motivations to make the most of your life. They can add color and a sense of personality in your surroundings, which can then give you the mental boost necessary for inspiration and creativity.

Plants can improve your relationships

Plants can help you get a sense of compassion because you are taking care of another living thing — which entails lesser responsibility or even guilt than pets. But just like for pets, you can also feel empathy for your plants, which can then lead to you feeling compassion and empathy for the other people in your life.

They can also be beneficial for those with limited social circles or those who are housebound (ahem, like in quarantine), as they can liven up any living space.

Plants can improve your learning

Aside from improving your productivity, plants can also help you and your family learn. Their phytonutrients can also help settle minds, making them more open to accomplishing tasks and learning. They can also boost focus and mental clarity, making it much easier to focus on what needs to be done.

At the same time, plants’ calming nature can help keep insecurities away. They can help you and your family stay calm and concentrate.

Plants can improve your home’s air quality

Air quality can be a problem in cities, thanks to airborne particles, pollutants, and even bacteria and viruses that can enter and stick inside the home. Plants can release airborne chemicals that can clear the air of particles and pollutants, generally improving the overall air quality inside your home.

Reference: EcoWatch.com

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