Learning the Fundamentals

Why does Kumon offer math and reading only?Why not science, you might ask. Or perhaps history?Ms. Yoyie Angeles, head of the Instruction Division of Kumon Philippines, said that...

Worthwhile Home Activities on Preschool’s Midterm Break

Making your preschool's midterm break worthwhile is important in ensuring that he continuously develop his sense of creativity and remain active instead of sitting in front of the...

How to Prevent Stretch Marks in Pregnancy

During your pregnancy, stretch marks are inevitable. Pregnancy brings about a lot of changes in a woman's body. Your skin will stretch as you put in a lot...

No Shame Baby Shower Invitation and Games

Baby shower is one of the exciting parts of having a baby. So if you’re planning to host one for a friend, just like weddings, make it an...

Taking Turns in Putting Baby Back to Sleep

Babies need the constant comfort and love of their parents. Most of the time, a baby wakes up crying in the middle of the night when he needs...

Improve your Preschool’s Study Habits: Have Fun with Study Time

Preschool is a crucial stage for children since this is the time they develop all the habits that they'll carry on in life as they grow. Hence, it's...

NSD (Normal Spontaneous Delivery) or Painless-Choose your Pregnancy Path

Pregnancy entails making decisions not only for yourself, but also what's best for your baby. Deciding whether to have painless deliver or NSD (Normal Spontaneous Delivery) is an...

Morning Sickness: Dealing with Pregnancy’s Roller Coaster of Emotions

Pregnancy is a life-changing event for a woman-not just physically but as well as emotionally, which sometimes lead to a roller coaster of emotions that if not addressed...

Common Methods of Delivery in Pregnancy

After nine months, mothers will finally reach the end of their pregnancy. But like always, child birth is no easy feat. Giving birth is both a milestone and...

Drawing the Line to your Preschool

Preschool is the perfect time to discipline your child and introduce good manners. This is the time when preschool children often experiment on a lot of things without...

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