Tie Dye with Markers

Don't worry about the big dye mess or colored fingers. All you need is the Staedtler permanent marker, a t-shirt, rubbing alcohol and a few supplies. Even the...

9 Small Changes You Can Make to Be A Healthier Mama

By: Trisha Bautista Sometimes, being a mom, taking care of your kids and home full time, working full time, juggling QT with your partner, all while also giving yourself...

Mommy Diaries: Patawa Things Kids Say

These are definitely proof that kids say the darndest things. Click the link to read more funny convos 😂

100-Day Maternity Leave Gets House Approval

Good news, mamas! 😉

New Moms and Dads Pressured to be Perfect

In a recent study conducted about an individual's adaptation in a parenting life, it was known that newly identified mothers and fathers are having a more difficult time...

Your Baby’s Sleep Patterns Depend on you

Establishing good sleep habits for a lifetimeEveryone knows that sleepless nights come hand-in-hand with parenthood. Sometimes, this improves after baby's first birthday. Sometimes, it doesn't. You may think...

Allergies Hit Asians

New York catches colds, Manila sneezes--that's how the world stock markets often act up and such behavior seems to have been rubbed off on people's health across the...

Celebrating a Child’s Strengths

Life is one big classroom. I have always believed that learning is not, and should never be, confined inside the school setting alone. The same goes for the...

6 Ways to Encourage Love for Science in Kids

When we were still in school, a subject that had a degree of mystery was science. Scientists were often depicted in science books as bespectacled old men with...

Kinder Ready: How To Know If Your Child Is Ready For...

By: Kyle Lasalita It’s perfectly reasonable to see parents stressing out on whether their kids should start school or not. There are also parents who try to push their...

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