5 Fun Ways to Document your Baby’s First Year and Beyond

They say the days are long but the years are short -- so what better way to remember your kids' first years than with these creative ideas 😉

6 Ways How An Overprotective Dad Can Do More Harm Than...

The roles that fathers have in our generation has had a significant facelift. We now see changing dynamics such as husbands staying at home, or fathers who are...

2 to 3 years

At 2 to 2.5 years  Keep an extra watchful eye because your toddler is now turning into an active, independent little person who will often want to do...

Plays that Promote Development

By Celine Villadares It is of important value to choose the right play or toy that a child should have in order to promote growth and development accordingly. This...

Setting a Good Example — Ways We Can Be the Best...

I started this article with the intention of writing about inspiring Filipinas who will make great role models for my daughter in the spirit of Women’s month. And while we certainly have no shortage of inspiring Filipinas, I decided that the best woman role model for her is someone close to her, someone she could so easily copy – me, her mom.

6 Things You Always Use and should Disinfect Regularly

Alin ang mas madumi? Your phone or your toilet? Or your laptop? Better start cleaning and disinfecting na, mommys 😅

What’s Your Maid Teaching Your Child?

Young children learn a great deal from the environment around them. Therefore it is natural that children in Philippines are greatly influenced by their maid or...

Musical Art Plates

This is one of the favourites of many children because the creativity level is high and you can play with it later. Many projects you do will give...

Tie Dye with Markers

Don't worry about the big dye mess or colored fingers. All you need is the Staedtler permanent marker, a t-shirt, rubbing alcohol and a few supplies. Even the...

10 Nuggets of Wisdom for the New Mom

Being a new mom can very well be the most amazing thing you can experience. Imagine having new life growing and thriving inside you for nine months, and...

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