Feeding Toddler: When and How much

Toddler feeding can be a very daunting task as this is the stage when your child is too picky with the food he wants to eat. It is...

Capturing the best birth pictures

Like any celebration, giving birth is a big milestone that should be captured in order to preserve memories. Those are the first few precious moments of your baby...

Baby Feeding: How to re-lactate after weaning your baby

  Re-lactation is a process of starting up your system that slowed down when you decided to wean your baby. It is possible but most mothers are not familiar...

Toddler and Biting: How to control and eliminate this habit

  Before getting horrified, keep in mind that toddlers bite due to several reasons- they are angry, copying the behavior of adults, teething, curious, frustrated, trying to get what...

Bringing Home Baby: What is Your Postpartum Plan?

Having a baby is a welcome gift to any couple. But bringing home a baby takes a lot more preparation than just decorating your baby's new room or...

Toddler Whining: Every Parent’s Problem

Even the most delicate and soft-spoken toddler can also be whiny when they want something badly. And not even the most patient parent can tolerate a toddler's whine....

Helping young children deal with bushfires

Although not widely known, bushfires can be a cause of major trauma to young children. Studies show that young children who have been directly affected by bushfires experience...

After birth: Discovering some facts about birthmarks in a baby

After the anticipation and excitement during nine months of pregnancy, and the hard labor that capped it off, it's perfectly understandable if you can't seemingly take your eyes...

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder among Young Children: A serious health Issue

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a personality disorder in which a person has obsession with perfection, rules, and being organized. Young children who are experiencing this disorder tend...

Advantages of breastfeeding to mother and baby

Breastfeeding is every mother's natural way of providing nourishment to her newborn baby. Babies, in the early months after birth, grow well enough while feeding on breastmilk alone,...

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