Parents’ Guide To Planning Christmas Eve Ahead

The ultimate holiday is parents' midst again, and the whole world is all ready to for the Christmas spirit once again. Parents, kids and everyone else are celebrating Christmas,...

Introducing Simbang Gabi or Midnight Mass to your preschool child

For any child in preschool, the onset of Christmas season is the most anticipated time of the year. Of course that goes for the rest of the country....

Pregnancy problems 101: Get the Basic Facts on Urinary Tract Infection

It's a given that pregnancy entails a lot of developments in a woman's body. Of course your hormones undergo several changes to help you prepare for your baby....

Is Acupuncture during Pregnancy Really OK? What You Need to Know...

Pregnancy brings physical discomforts, wonderful though the prospect of eventually giving birth is. To cushion these pregnancy concerns, moms may opt for the road less traveled, so to...

Decoding toddler’s personality

Toddler-hood brings many changes that will define how your toddler acts and thinks in the long run. One of these aspects of toddler development is personality--your child's own set...

Are your preschool kids scared of Santa?

Besides the gifts, Christmas trees, and colorful lights, Christmas' most famous bearded man dons houses, cards, and just about any corner once again. But then again, while every...

Parents’ holiday survival guide

With parties, gift-giving, and a flurry of other preparations to occupy parents, kids, and single parents, the holiday season has also become a race for survival of sorts. But...

Taking care of relationships during pregnancy

Pregnancy--a wonderful stage ushering in a new and changed life for a family. With pregnancy comes many adjustments in preparation for your little bundle of joy's coming, and...

Pregnancy checklist 101: What to ask before a prenatal test

For any woman, pregnancy is bound to be a time of much excitement and anticipation. This marks the months when your body gets ready for the arrival of...

Essential questions about giving

First time moms have numerous questions about birth. An understanding of this is crucial to make birth successful. In asking questions about childbirth, pregnant women must not only...

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