10 Practical and Affordable Things To Do This Summer

Ever the Azkals fan, Naomi wrote about soccer camp or football for kids this summer. Her blogpost inspired me to make my own version of things for the...

Mom Jeans

  Every quarter the walls of the house seem to cave in and it means three things:  pest control, general cleaning, and storage. How timely that we got a...

Creating stunning Photo Books that last with Kodak Luminous Paper

Creating stunning Photo Books that last with Kodak Luminous Paper From the engagement all the way to the exchange of vows, one of the most crucial parts of a...

Teaching Your Preschool Kid Honesty

They're tiny and cute. Charming and cuddly. But once they twist the truth, it's time to have a hear-to-heart talk with your preschool kid. A little fib could turn...

Mommy Is Proud

Last March, a few days before the class end, the students who will be recognized for their performance was announced. It was only after the recognition day that...

Flowers for Mom

During my years of med-repping, I always gave my female doctors a no-fail gift on their birthdays. Nope, not cakes or chocolates - those are commonplace. What delighted female...

12 Reasons Why Babies Cry, and the Best Ways to Soothe...

What to do if your baby's still crying? There's no getting around it: Babies cry. It's how they communicate hunger, pain, fear, a need for sleep, and more. So how...

Medicines for your toddler, and how to store them properly

As any parent or guardian is sure to discover, taking care of a toddler involves a fair share of trips to the doctor and a considerable amount of...

Color Psychology and Your Choice of Bedding

I had the pleasure of attending an event last week where I learned more about bedroom and bedding colors. Dream Home by Canadian, a brand of linens exclusively...

Celebrating a Child’s Strengths

Life is one big classroom. I have always believed that learning is not, and should never be, confined inside the school setting alone. The same goes for the...

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