What if exclusive breastfeeding is not possible?

While exclusive breastfeeding remains the ideal approach to your child's quite fragile nutritional requirements, there may be instances it is not possible--for medical and other compelling reasons. In...

5 Tips To Help New Parents Get Some Sleep

By: Craig Rowe The joy of a new baby is certainly special and something that all new parents experience. However, a lack of sleep is also part of...

Go from Parent to Lover: 6 Tips to Spice It Up

Go kilig with your partner all over again with these tips 😉🌶

The Rod: Is Pamamalo an Effective Parenting Tool?

It might be weird to say this but if I could go back to my childhood days in my present form and knock my two cents to my...

Kids Health: Healthy Snack Ideas Your Kids Will Also Love

As a mother, I know that I must make sure that my child gets proper nutrition - what with the demands of school and my daughter being in...

Parents Guide to Managing Holiday Chaos

With the holidays almost over and people trying to squeeze in some last-minute merrymaking, parents like you would be glad that holiday chaos will soon be over and...

Medicines for your toddler, and how to store them properly

As any parent or guardian is sure to discover, taking care of a toddler involves a fair share of trips to the doctor and a considerable amount of...

Preschool Learning Environment Best for your Child

Being a mum involves a lot of knowledge and discovery. We learned about our baby's nap schedule, swaddling and making baby food. During toddler years, we studied managing...

Robot Mask

This Robot Mask is quick to make and very effective for all ages. In the photo you can see we've used a basic shape of a triangle, but...

Eating disorder among young children: Growing concern for parents

Young children nowadays are living in a very superficial world where people are overly obsessed in having that perfect 10 body. Chubbiness results to being ridiculed by classmates...

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