Baby Week 40

Physical DevelopmentYour baby is 40 weeks old today and she has already learned many skills since her birth.  There is a common theme that I’m sure you’ve noticed...

Is Your Child Overweight? How to Protect Your Child from the...

By Mariel Uyquiengco According to the World Health Organization (WHO), childhood obesity is “one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century. “ Once thought to...

How to Do Errands with Kids (Without Going Crazy!)

Any new mom will agree. Becoming a mom gives you an entirely new repertoire of skills that involves a whole lot of multitasking. And if you ever want...

The 5 Ways We Can Prepare Our Children for Success

In a fast paced and constantly changing world, an individual’s ability to adapt to the demands and trends of modern life are key to one’s success. My own experience...

Marriage after Babies: What Happens Now?

By Patricia Gonzalez “Like passing ships in the sea,” one woman once said, of her changing relationship with her husband after 3 years of consecutive pregnancies and their increasingly...

Why Moms Get Nothing Done

Toddlers seem to derive a lot of satisfaction out of “un-doing” the work of their mothers. While we’re sure they mean well (most of the time, we they...

Cutting that first tooth

The normal process of teething (the eruption of teeth through the gums) involves the swelling of gums, pain and irritations. It will happen throughout the first few years...

Action Speaks Louder than Words: Understand your Baby’s Body Language

Since babies can't talk, they communicate through their actions. So it is important for you to know and understand what your baby's trying to tell you through his...

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