Comfortable Nightwear

Keeping the family clothes closet neat and clean is one of the things I manage to monitor in my home management.  I often tell my househelp to sort...

Learn how to say No!

I keep on telling my children that is not hard to say No. Do not ever think that you are being rude and bad when you reject.  Do...

Are Your Kids Stubborn?

I believe that there is no stubborn child by nature.  Some of my friends keep on asking me why my sons JM and Yahmir are not bullheaded.  They...

Techy Baby

Elijah is tech savvy. He knows how to use the computer, cellphone and iPod without supervising him. Just give him any kind of gadget and I know he...

Will you show your breast in public?

I breastfed my son for only 4 months since I need to go back to work as soon as possible and my supply of milk stopped because I...

Parent and Kids Alcohol-free Brewing Happy Moments

Who says October Fest (or Oktoberfest) is not for families but only for parent or other adult beer enthusiasts? If you are crossing out October Fest from your...

The One-Bite Practice: Teach Kids to Eat Veggies

From the hundreds of articles on parenting I have read, probably one of the most useful bits of information that I found most handy is the One Bite...

Efficient Parenting: 10 Child Wellness Tips for Busy Moms

In today's world where women take on a plethora of daily tasks, it's important for every mother to be on top of their game especially when it comes...

The LITE Truth about Milk

Milk is one of the primary sources of calcium, a vital nutrient in building healthy and strong bones. It is also essential in most children's diets, because it...

THE POWER OF PLAY: Enhancing Your Child’s Social & Cognitive Development

Opportunities to play are really opportunities to learn. During play children learn and practice social skills, develop cognitive abilities like problem solving, and refine language skills. Renowned psychologist,...

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