Preschooler Week 7

SortingYoung children have an innate desire to make sense of their world, and sorting activities provide them with an opportunity to do this in a way they can...

Preschooler Week 71

A Storyline Created By Me!Why would you want to “read” a wordless book with your four-year old?  I’ve heard parents say in the past that wordless books are...

Preschooler Week 30

Cutting Power!As young children grow, they start learning to coordinate their large muscles first before attempting to move their small muscles with as much dexterity. This means they...

Preschooler Week 62

I Can Do It Myself! Let Me Try!Your four year old child probably wants to do everything herself these days, right?  She is not “little” anymore, in...

Preschooler Week 22

Clean Up Time!Time to clean up! These words can sound a bit dreadful at first, but in fact, they don’t have to be! Children especially love routines, and...

Preschooler Week 33

Feeling ChattyParents like you know your child best. Some children love to talk and boy do they talk every chance they get! Others, meanwhile, take a bit more...

Preschooler Week 34

My Feelings Make Me MeChildren start to talk about their feelings spontaneously during their early years.  They gradually realize that everyone else has emotions too, and that each...

Preschooler Week 24

Up, Down And All AroundYour child learns to communicate more every day. At 3.5 years, your child will have mastered the art of communicating verbally using gestures and...

Preschooler Week 103

For The Love Of The Game!When I think back to group games I played as a child, the game of Trip to Jerusalem or Musical Chairs comes to...

Preschooler Week 94

Keepsakes And MemoriesI definitely have talking children.  The most humorous aspect of that is that one of them qualified for speech therapy when she was three years old!...

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