Preschooler Week 8

Raising A Bilingual ChildChildren are uniquely wired to acquire language. Linguists regard the first five years of life as the optimal time to learn a language. If a...

Preschooler Week 81

LetMathematical concepts present themselves easily throughout the day.  As you are walking down the street your child may notice that there are more people on one side of...

4 Bad Effects Of Scary Movies On Toddlers

My partner and I are the types of people who like to watch horror or scary movies. We get a sense of enjoyment watching shows like these, but...

Preschooler Week 69

Physical DevelopmentYour child is growing like a weed!  Each day his fine (small muscle movements) and gross (large muscle movements) motor development is getting more precise and accurate. ...

Preschooler Week 48

Waiting For My TurnWe live in a fast-paced society. With the advancements in technology, even adults yearn for everything to go faster. We don’t ever want to wait!...

Preschooler Week 82

Great Role Models Help Teach Social SkillsIn our society it’s a given that we should learn how to function successfully in a group setting no matter how old...

Preschooler Week 51

I Remember WhenAt four years old, your child’s memory will start developing at a very quick pace. This explains why kids have very sharp recall abilities, their brain...

8 Tips To Prepare Your Kids For Big School

Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself -- you can help your child do so himself (& ease your own worries) with our tips 😉

6 Simple Ways Parents Can Keep Their Kids Safe on the...

You are responsible for securing your kids during road travels and because accidents can happen out of nowhere, we have to be proactive when it comes to safety. Here are a few simple ways to do this 😉

Preschooler Week 57

On Our Way To Tying Our ShoesFine motor skills are improving as your child enters his fourth year.  He is able to manipulate small toys and may even...

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