A Parent’s Guide In Choosing The Right Movies To Watch With...

By: Kyle Lasalita Nowadays, it’s difficult to spend quality time with your kids because of all the attention-grabbing technology we have. However, as parents, it’s essential for us to...

Vitamins for Kids: Is it Really Necessary?

As parents, we always want to best for our kids, especially when it comes to their health. We get worried and lose sleep when they get sick. And...

5 Ways to Keep Kids from Growing Up Too Fast

There has been a lot of concern about hyper sexualization or early sexualization of kids, especially girls. Toy marketers have been blamed for pushing sexy products, such as...

Testing your child’s IQ level series of books

In able for Deye to keep up with her lessons, considering that she's only 5  years old and most of her classmates are completing 6 and even 7 ...

6 Ways to Encourage Love for Science in Kids

When we were still in school, a subject that had a degree of mystery was science. Scientists were often depicted in science books as bespectacled old men with...

Beyond Costumes: What Kids Need to Know about Different Cultures

Dressing up in costumes = a fun learning activity. Here are a few things you can teach your kids while dressing up 😉

Teaching Moments: What Can You Do In 30 Seconds?

An easy way to nurture the brilliance in your child for just 30 seconds in a day. After reading the title of this article, you may be a little...

The Benefits of Ballet

By Mariel Uyquiengco A lot of girls naturally gravitate towards the leaps and twirls of ballet. They badger their parents to enroll them in ballet lessons for kids. Most...

Anger Management for Kids

Kids are normally forthcoming with regards to sharing feelings and emotions. A kid may be burdened with feelings of pain and guilt but you would never learn it...

MOMGOALS: Martine de Luna

Martine de Luna is a woman who seems to have it all, meeting every modern mom goal imaginable. She is a wife to Ton and a homeschooling mom to...

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